Spider-Man Unlimited APK



Spider-Man Unlimited for Android / APK


License: Free

Version: 4.6.0

Latest Update: May 24, 2023

Platform: Android

OS: Android 9.0

Language: English

Download Options: APK, Google Play

Developer: Gameloft


Even more Spider-Man? More running indefinitely? Yes, you will enjoy it.

Are you a fan of Spidey who enjoys intense running games? If so, Spider-Man Unlimited will make you feel like a spider.

There is unrest in the neighborhood.

In this vertical scroller, you play the part of the neighborhood hero and have to run and jump across rooftops while collecting vials and fulfilling missions.

In that the traditional vertical running is intermingled with new gameplay styles, such web-slinging into the skies, scaling up buildings, and free falling, it is comparable to Gameloft's other licensed endless runner, Despicable Me: Minion Rush. These components have various control schemes, which keeps the game interesting and keeps you on your toes.

In Spider-Man Unlimited, there are several villains to take down. You must jump or slide through minions to take them down as well as more obstinate bosses.

The premise is that as you progress through the game, you unlock additional Spider-Man iterations, bringing them out of other realities and enhancing their abilities to advance through the many chapters. Although it's common to utilize in-app currency and it's helpful to be able to restart after dying, if you're skilled enough you should be able to complete the game without too much trouble.

Swerve around

There shouldn't be anything in Spider-Man Unlimited's controls that causes you any issues. To avoid obstacles, you simply flick side to side. You can also flick up and down to jump or slide. Bad guys can also be eliminated by swiping up and down. Touching and holding the screen's top allows for web slinging. You shouldn't worry too much because everything is explained thoroughly in the form of interactive tutorials.

I noticed that the controls occasionally seemed a little unresponsive when jumping, and I frequently face-planted into walls after having previously swiped upwards. The key is to swipe early to give Spidey time to react.

Comics education

Spider-Man Unlimited makes good use of the license with its crisp, cell-shaded comic book-style graphics and entertaining dialogue. The game features several of your favorite Marvel heroes and villains, all of whom have been expertly depicted.

Although Spidey frequently repeats himself, the cut scenes are set up in the style of a true comic book, and in addition to the speech bubbles, there is a lot of voice dialog.

I encountered some lag during my tests (on a Nexus 10), but thankfully not enough to ruin the experience.

Spider-Man fans can have a ton of fun.

Although Spider-Man Unlimited is rather normal stuff for an infinite running series, there is enough to interest aficionados of the character.


Sharp, comic-book style.

Lots of missions and stuff to collect.

Simple and fun to play.

Story-based approach will please Spidey fans.


Nothing innovative.

A bit laggy at times.

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